My last post didn’t exactly end in an optimistic note. Let’s correct that:

Wishing you all a happy, joyous and peaceful 2013 folks!

The Mayans predicted that the world-as we know it-would end but we’re still here standing (cheers to that).

The new year is a time to reflect and wipe the slate clean. People advice against making new year resolutions but I do them anyway. I like taking a look back at my previous resolutions. Helps me get a better understanding of my achievement or lack thereof.

Stuff done in 2012:

Not too bad.

Stuff I couldn’t get done in 2012:

Stuff I want to do in 2013

  1. Get back in shape (In addition to hitting the gym planning to eat better).
  2. Get more sleep (I have this bad feeling 2012 zapped some of my brain cells).
  3. Get really good at Rails (looking at running through the Destroy all Software and Railcast screencasts).
  4. Get a job after my masters, preferably doing something I love.