I use a 13" MacBook Pro at work these days. Android Studio frequently sent my machine into a tailspin.

Over time, I’ve had to tweak and update my AS settings to make AS work well on the 13". I figured I should post them here for posterity and the benefit of other AndroidDevs battling with deathly slow AS experiences.

I’m posting the abridged instructions and linking to the blog posts that led me to these settings, if you care for the details.

Switch to a local gradle distribution

curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash # install sdkman

# install your preferred version of gradle

sdk install gradle 5.4.1
sdk default gradle 5.4.1

gradle --status

Once you have a local distribution of gradle installed, switch the “Gradle home:” setting in your Android Studio project to point to your local gradle distribution. You’ll have to do these for all your projects individually.

Android Studio > Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Gradle

With this setup, when you run gradle on the command line or Android Studio, they’ll share the same gradle daemon instances.

☝️ also make sure the daemons from AS and your command line are compatible

Well almost. You also have to make sure you’re using the same JDK otherwise the gradle daemons will be incompatible.

# you have sdkman installed already
sdk install java 8.0.202-zulu  # use java 8 preferably
sdk default java 8.0.202-zulu

sdk install kotlin # cause why not

Now point Android Studio to use this jdk like so:

Android Studio Project Settings > SDK Location

💥 now we’re in business.

Disable any useless plugins or add-ons that you don’t need

Preference > Plugins > Installed

Don’t get carried away and disable everything here. It will hose your Android Studio. I know this cause I sure as hell tried.

The only plugins I have enabled are:

Everything else is disabled. This crony from Bob’s Discount Action Bars apparently knows a thing or two about Android.

Tweak your studio.vmoptions file

The official developer docs talk about configuring this properly.

tl;dr: in Android Studio head to “Help > Edit Custom VM Options…” and change it to the below:




# ###############################################
# custom settings from https://github.com/artem-zinnatullin/AndroidStudio-VM-Options/blob/master/studio.vmoptions
# ###############################################

# Runs JVM in Server mode with more optimizations and resources usage
# It may slow down the startup, but if you usually keep IDE running for few hours/days
# JVM may profile and optimize IDE better. Feel free to remove this flag.

# Sets the initial size of the heap, default value is 256m

# Max size of the memory allocation pool, default value is 1280m

# Sets the size of the allocated class metadata space that will trigger a GC the first time it is exceeded, default max value is 350m

Anything else you’ve come across that’s helped a lot? Hit me up on Twitter.

Updates since my post was originally published: