One of the challenges with note taking apps on mobile is the limited font selection. While desktops let you install custom fonts system-wide, mobile platforms are much more restrictive.
However, there’s an elegant solution for Obsidian given it’s an electron app. Obsidian allows you to inject a CSS snippet to tweak the appearnace of the app. CSS allows you to embed base64 encoded fonts directly in them for styling text 💡.
I’ve been using this font for a while as my primary programming font and referenced it in one of my newsletters. Thought i’ll share this more prominently. This website now uses Commit Mono for code. I customized a few of the characters:
Letter 3
How to freeze some of the font characters in an OTF font to the alternative version. Taking the slashed zero character as an example with the font IBM Plex Mono. This blog post will explain how you can pick alternative characters with OTF fonts and build a version of the font that will permanently turn these alternative character variants on.
How to customize and build the font Recursive - a versatile font for programming
How to customize and build the font Iosevka on macOS - a versatile font for programming
I’m obsessed with typefaces and fonts 1.
My programming productivity is irrationally dependent on the font I pick for my IDE. I have spent unhealthy amounts of time experimenting and trying different fonts for programming.
I usually prefer a monospaced font and I’ve bounced between Inconsolata and Consolas in the past – both truly beautiful typefaces.
Recently though, a design director at Instacart shared this link on the laws of UX (a fantastic read btw).
So my brother introduced me to this really awesome BBC TV Series: Sherlock. If you’re a type nerd or design enthusiast, the very first thing you would notice is the brilliant typography used throughout the show.
If you’re losing sleep finding out which fonts were used:
AF Generation Z (in the text messages) P22 London Underground (when deducing the clues)