My good friend Mustafa has some sage advice for Sonos on the recent rewrite fiasco.

Fix all issues and test the new app very thoroughly with external beta testers before relaunching.

Have the best crisis leader at the company take over. Find all ICs who have been raising the alarm and give them authority to move fast. Remove anything that gets in the way - …

Create a single source of truth - all issues, feedback and bugs should flow into a single place. Have a small team (<=3) triage and prioritize them. Everyone else focuses on fixing them.

Appoint DRIs - Divide problems by areas (feature x, stability, performance, etc) and appoint a single Directly Responsible Individual (DRI) for each. … Prioritize skill over titles/experience while picking them.

Sign the entire company up for testing - You can no longer rely on just the QA team to find bugs. Everyone needs to test the app daily, especially all managers and execs. All hands on deck.
